Tuesday 23 February 2010

brighton day 1

first day in the lovely blast theory studios today. its an interesting exercise to sit in a room that isn't your house surrounded by relatively little, in this case only some books and some bits and pieces i intend to tinker with over the weeks, and begin work. it reminds me of an american lifestyle philosophy that i can;t seem to track down on the net which defined a very precise amount of objects that we you were allowed to have in your life, any more being considered clutter, i think its something drastic like only 140, which if you think about everything you own is quite a drastic cull. traditionally i am a hoarder, put simply i like crap. i collect object s that i find, that remind me of things, that trigger my imagination, old toys, books, comics, interesting looking rocks, that sort of stuff. But i am quite enjoying the clarity of thought it gives me to be sat in a white room with only a very specific selection of objects cherry picked for this task. i am aware that many people refer to a space like this as an 'office' and hate theirs, but for me it is a novelty.
Importantly the geographic displacement of being here in Brighton as opposed to Leeds where i live brings a new energy to what i'm doing, a sense of event and focus which is welcome.

today i've began working on the project that i will be mainly focussing on during my residency here. i don't want to go into too much detail about the specifics of the project just yet. Partly because they are not yet fully formed, but also because this is after all a mysterious project.

but today i have been tweaking the mini-game that will serve as a trailer and an invitation into the world and hopefully for some people to the event itself.

you can find it here:


if you have any thoughts or want clues please let me know, as i'm still paytesting it really.

also been following the connected blog which is beginning a very valuable conversation and one i have been having in my own head for a few months now as i type up my thesis. I posted a slightly garbled post earlier, but that is not the reason you should check it out, you should because its good:


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